現代高壓匆忙的都市化生活,大幅降低人與自然接觸的機會,隨著越來越多身心問題的產生,人們開始注重休閒遊憩以及紓壓管道。森林環境不僅是民眾休閒放鬆的熱門場域,近年許多研究顯示接觸自然有助於重啟與自然的連結並恢復身心壓力,其中利用森林場域促進身心健康效益的活動稱為「森林療癒」(forest therapy)。目前多數森林療癒研究聚焦於探討生心理壓力恢復的主題,然而關於接觸自然影響其餘人類福祉如自然連結與創造力等相關研究十分有限。因此,本研究以三天兩夜的森林療癒活動-「2018大鞍森林益康研習會」為個案研究,從壓力恢復 (stress recovery)、自然連結 (connectedness with nature) 及創造力 (creativity) 三個面向探討森林療癒活動在生理、心理及高等認知層面的效益,以期從更多元的角度探討森林療癒對人類的福祉。
研究設計採用單組前後測,研究指標部分,生理指標採用心跳、血壓及唾液澱粉酶活性,心理指標為盤斯心情量表 (POMS),自然連結指標採用自我包含自然量表 (INS) 及中文版自然連結狀態量表 (s-CNS)、創造力量表使用中文詞彙遠距聯想測驗 (CWRAT),並透過流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表 (CES-D)、簡版IPIP五大人格量表 (IPIP-15) 以及受試者背景資料,探討個人背景及人格特質對研究變項的影響。研究對象部分,招募報名「2018大鞍森林益康研習會」之學員為受試者。研究分析採用敘述性統計、魏克生符號等級檢定、曼恩—惠尼U檢定以及斯皮爾曼等級相關係數。本研究共收取 23 份有效樣本,平均年齡為 52±12.54 歲。研究結果顯示,在壓力恢復方面,森林療癒活動對心跳、血壓以及唾液澱粉酶改變量未達顯著,血壓符合初始值效應,且舒張壓具有調節至正常值的趨勢;在心理方面可有效降低緊張、生氣、沮喪、混亂、焦慮並提升精神活力;在自然連結方面,森林療癒可以顯著提升自我包含自然然連結程度,而中文版自然連結狀態量表則無顯著差異;創造力方面,森林療癒可以顯著提升中文詞彙遠距聯想力。部分受試者背景對森林療癒之生心理健康效益有影響,部分人格特質與壓力恢復的變化具顯著相關。整體而言,本研究結果證實三天兩夜之森林療癒活動不僅有助身心健康,也可提升參與者認知型自然連結與遠距聯想創造力,研究結果可供未來森林療癒相關活動規劃及研究之參考。
The hectic urban lifestyle has kept us from contacting with nature. Owing to the rise of physiological and mental health issues, people started to value the benefits of stress relieving effects form leisure activities. Forest environment not only serves as popular destinations for recreation, but recent studies have shown that reconnecting with forests prevent us from physiological and mental stress. The practice of utilizing forest to promote human health and well-being is called “forest therapy”. However, most recent studies focus on the restorative effects of forest therapy, other aspects of human well-being such as creativity has not yet been well discussed. Therefore, this research chose “2018 Da-An Forest Therapy Workshop” as a case study. To explore the effects of the forest program on “stress recovery”, “connectedness with nature” and “creativity” from the aspects of physiological, mental and higher cognitive state respectively. Hoping to explore the benefits of forest therapy from another perspective.
The research design adopted one-group pretest and posttest. The measurements included physiological responses (heart rate, blood pressure, salivary alpha-amylase), psychological indices (Profile of Mood States), connectedness with natural state (Inclusion of Nature in the Self and Chinese State-Connectedness with Nature Scale), and creativity measurement (Chinese Word Remote Associatives Test). Also, the background information and personality traits using IPIP-15 scale were measured to investigate the influence of individual differences. The study recruited 23 subjects (52 ± 12.54 years) from the participants of the program. To analyze the results, the descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, Mann-Whitney U Test and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were used. The results showed that the change of all the physiological indices were not significant. However, the results of the blood pressure complied with the law of the initial value, and the diastolic blood pressure had an adjustment effect. The negative mood states including tension, anger, fatigue, depression, confusion, and anxiety were significantly decreased; on the other hand, the the positive mood of vigor was increased significantly. The Inclusion of Nature in the Self scale increased significantly, whereas changes in the Chinese version of state-Connectedness with Nature Scale was not. In sum, the muti-days forest therapy program not only benefits our physiological and mental health, but also increase connectedness with nature and facilitate remote association creativity. The results provide a reference for future researchers and designers of the forest therapy program.